Thomas Daniel
Thomas is an experienced international actor possessing a diverse look and excellent acting range. His skills on-and-off the camera are enhanced by his technical background. A graduate from Michigan in electrical engineering - he was awarded three government patents and traveled all over the world.
After having done some print work in Toronto, Ontario, acting became his next big challenge. He relocated to New York City where he has made appearances in theater, television, and named films.
His most recent works in television include True Crime (NBC), and many feature films like Bullets for Jesus, Backwater, Those People, Leatha Acidents, The Blue Seal, Paranormal Proof and Alien Opponent.
- Jul 07, 2015
- English
A tense nonstop roller-coaster ride through the distorted mind of Sly Stone, a sadistic and brutal killer who distorts the scriptures to suit his own self serving madness. He's teamed up with a run-away drifter Annie Parker who bows to his every command... both for love and for fear of her own life. " I have the Bullets For Jesus " is Slys motto, and NO ONE is safe from his twisted pulpit.