Natalie Kennedy
Natalie Kennedy

Natalie Kennedy

Natalie Kennedy was born in Manchester, England in 1984. Her mother is a fashion designer and manufacturer and her father is a musician, actor and playwright. Natalie is best known for her work directing, though she has also worked on a number of notable short and feature films as a cinematographer and assistant director. She started off in the theatre and grew up watching family members onstage, and quickly went into acting from a young age. This developed into writing and producing original plays, as well as working on other productions. Her work as a photographer naturally led into filmmaking, and though Natalie's main focus is now in film she still works in theatre from time to time. Her play Parents Without Children had a recent nomination for the prestigious Manchester Theatre Awards, and has also won her Best Director for the North West Theatre Awards. Natalie has a 1st class degree from Salford University in 'Media and Performance' and has been developing her career as a film director and cinematographer, with her short films receiving worldwide appreciation, festival recognition and noted industry attention, including BAFTA award winning writer Geoff Thompson, and award winning film director David Attwood, amongst others.


A desperate writer signs up for a fully A.I. operated retreat to cure her writer's block, but when an unforeseen software glitch occurs, she gets trapped inside her unit with an unstable android and no communication with the outside world.